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© 2010 João Pedro Silva |
Ordo: Nudibranchia
Subordo: Doridina
Familia: Discodorididae
Apesar de muito comum e de atingir 6cm de comprimento, o mimetismo desta espécie tornam-na de difícil detecção. Como as restantes espécies do género, tem um aspecto "peludo" devido à densidade de tubérculos com espículas de sílica, produzidas a partir das esponjas de que se alimenta. O manto apresenta frequentemente manchas arredondadas que se assemelham aos poros das esponjas. Muito difícil de distinguir de J. onubensis que apresenta manchas mais arredondadas.
In spite of being very common and reaching 6cm in length the mimetism to sponges is so perfect it makes it very hard to detect. Species of this genus have a "furry" look due to the density of the small tubercles with silica spicules made from the sponges it feeds upon. The mantle frequently has round darker spots similar to sponge's pores. Very difficult to distinguish from J. onubensis which has more regularly rounded spots.
In spite of being very common and reaching 6cm in length the mimetism to sponges is so perfect it makes it very hard to detect. Species of this genus have a "furry" look due to the density of the small tubercles with silica spicules made from the sponges it feeds upon. The mantle frequently has round darker spots similar to sponge's pores. Very difficult to distinguish from J. onubensis which has more regularly rounded spots.
+Info: Sea Slug Forum
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