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© 2011 João Pedro Silva |
Flabellina affinis (Gmelin, 1791)
Ordem: Nudibranchia
Subordem: Aeolidina
Família: Flabellinidae
Semelhante a E. pedata e P. ischitana, distingue-se da primeira por apresentar os cerata a crescer em grupos a partir de um pedúnculo e da segunda por apresentar pigmentação púrpura opaca no exterior dos cerata. Alimenta-se de hidrozoários do género Eudendrium sobre o qual coloca os ovos, à sememelhança de outras espécies da família. Apesar da distribuição típica ser o Mediterrâneo, é bastante frequente no Algarve e ocorre também em ilhas Atlânticas, como as Canárias.
Similar to E. pedata and P. ischitana, it can be distinguished from the first by the cerata growing from a peduncle and from the second by the opaque purple pigment near the tip of the cerata. Feeds on hydriods of the Eudendrium genus upon which it lays its spawn, as the other species of its family. Although it's considered to be a typical mediterranean species it's quite frequent in the Algarve and can also be found in Atlantic islands like the Canaries.
Similar to E. pedata and P. ischitana, it can be distinguished from the first by the cerata growing from a peduncle and from the second by the opaque purple pigment near the tip of the cerata. Feeds on hydriods of the Eudendrium genus upon which it lays its spawn, as the other species of its family. Although it's considered to be a typical mediterranean species it's quite frequent in the Algarve and can also be found in Atlantic islands like the Canaries.
+ Info: Sea Slug Forum
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